Life Lately

Life lately has been fun, exciting, stressful, exhausting, relaxing…. I could go on and on with every adjective in the dictionary. Interview season has been one extreme to the other. I’m pumped up with nervous anxiety at the interview, then just want to nap and veg out immediately after. I’m also having a great time! The people I’ve met on the interview trail have been amazing, both residents/faculty and applicants. I love hanging out with the people in this specialty because: 1. I think it’s a pretty cool specialty and 2. the people in it are all just pretty awesome and fun : )

When I’m not interviewing, I’m just at home with nothing to do. I used to always have to study and study and feel guilty about studying if I wasn’t studying. Now, my free time is mine. Sounds great, right? aaaaaaand it is for the most part. I’ve always been a person who would rather have 150 things to do than 1 thing, and I get so much more done when I have a bazillion things going on. I found myself getting bored really fast at first. Not anymore! I decided I was not going to waste this precious time that I always complain about never having. I’ve been reading books, catching up on my tv shows, and catching up with friends. I’ve been hiking, running, yoga-ing (probably not a word)….beating no one at trivia night, finding new tasty IPAs I love at pint night, and having board game fun with friends. With all my interviews smashed in there between! Lastly, I’ve been sleeping (I’m a needs 8-9 hr night gal) and it’s been fabulously wonderful.  Don’t make me go back to rotations tomorrow, waaah!


Hike view





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