So catch-up time —> I matched! After all the stress of interviews, I found out in March that I matched in the specialty that I wanted (and I even got my #1 choice!!!!!). It was such a relief to know that I have a job for the next year (look out student loan repayment, I’m coming for ya). All my hard work finally paid off and I get to practice in the area of medicine I want. Whew.

Then: I graduated (from 20th grade!). I think I’ll make this my last time. You can call me Doctor now oooor maybe hold off because it sounds so weird to me still haha I’m definitely not used to that yet at all!

Now on to the fun stuff: vacations! As if I didn’t do enough traveling during interview season I planned a few trips after graduation. It’s been more of a traveling on a budget because while I have the time now, I’m still funded by whatever is left of my student loans. It’s still been a blast though! I went to California to be stereotypical tourists with friends from college and see all kinds of “tourist-y things” and ate SO MUCH good food – sushirittos, wine, pasta, seafood, wine (the Sonoma/Napa might have been my favorite…)  Good thing the weather was so nice in Cali and we walked everywhere! I even got in a few morning runs during that trip. See, balance is the key : D

After that, I jetted off to a lakehouse with med school friends for some outdoor time doing whitewater rafting, hiking, biking, and kayaking. Even though all but one of us fell out of the rafting boat (not good), we laughed about it afterwards when everyone ended up being okay. Lastly, I just finished up with a relaxing vacation with my family at the beach. I got to read tons of books (finally books for fun, not medical textbooks!), walk/run on the beach, and just enjoy my last days of freedom before residency starts.

Ok, I promise to write more often and even have a recipe to share this week as I prepare for residency starting July 1st! AH!

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