
Welcome to my life as I navigate through medical school trying to keep my sanity and still fit in my skinny jeans!

Eat: I am a Registered Dietitian too, who may know how to eat healthy but still can’t resist those glazed donuts in the doctor’s lounge now and then. I love cooking, trying new recipes, and eating healthy most of the time.

Run: I was on the cross country team in high school, mostly because my friends joined, but I HATED the running part. I hated running so much that I said I’d never do after high school. Well, in college I picked it back up as a free, stress relieving activity, and mostly recently I just finished my first (and only) full marathon! I now run for fun and LOVE it!

Study: I’m a now 4th year med student – the year we all dream about. The happy and fun year. The year with *gasp* free time?! I have no idea where I’ll end up next year, but I’ll be a doctor somewhere….that’s scary and so exciting at the same time! I love it though and I can’t see myself doing anything else right now!

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