Merry Christmas to all

Man oh man, I just can not believe it Christmas eve already, and halfway through my last year in med school! It seems like just last week I was complaining about the hot and humid summer and trying to stay cool while not going broke running the AC all day.

I love this time of year though. It’s been especially fun this year because as a 4th year med student I’ve had time to spend with family and friends (between traveling for interviews). It’s so nice to be able to spend a day baking with my family without having to feel like I have to run home and study all muscle attachments in the arm and then follow-up with a review of glycolysis. Those were the days….right…

I don’t have time to post a recipe, but here’s a sneak peek of our annual cookie baking and decorating festivities at our house! (I spy a ninja turtle…..#turtlepower)

2015-12-24 12.10.55